What do the different Vehicle Statuses mean?

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SOLD - The vehicle has an order against it


PX PENDING - The part exchange has not yet been accepted into stock


DEMO - The vehicle is demo stock


IN - Means the vehicle has been accepted into stock


NOT IN STOCK - Means the vehicle has not yet been accepted into stock


ON ORDER - Means the vehicle has been adopted but not yet on site


CANCELLED - Vehicle has been cancelled


CLOSED - PAID - Closed and fully paid


CLOSED - NOT PAID - Closed but not fully paid


NOT FOR SALE - If a vehicle is marked as unavailable for sale


PREP+ - fully prepped for sale


PREP- -  not fully prepped for sale


ADOPTED - If the vehicle has been adopted


PDI+ - If the vehicle has been PDI'd and the cost accepted


PDI- - If the vehicle hasn't been PDI'd and the cost accepted